"good morning. What in the world are you doing?"
"I thought you might want to play a game."
"A game?!?" I blinked my eyes to see the clock clearly.
"Any game, mommy. I know, let's play house."
Now there's a novel idea. Why didn't I think of that?
A few hours later finds us all in the kitchen..."playing house". One princess was washing the dishes, one princess was drying them and putting them away, and one princess was mopping all the dishwater up in the floor that seemed to flow in a steady stream. Another little one is rubbing the broom around the floor attempting to corral the crumbs from their morning toast. And the crowned Prince? Well, he's never in one place very long. Sweet helpers.
he's only 16 months and 5 days....today
toss him up in the air to make him laugh so you can see those crooked little teeth peeking through
snuggle your nose into his neck to catch the faint baby smell...it will soon be gone
coax him to say your name
rock him to sleep… while he still wants you to
she's only 3 years, 4 months and 11 days....today
play candy land… again…and again
read her another story
braid her piggy tails
she's only 6 years, 2 months and 11 days....today
put her hair in piggie tails…anyways
hold her in your lap...soon she won't fit
memorize her smile with the missing tooth
she's 8 years, 5 months and 13 days....today
look her in the eyes when she tells you her story
laugh at her made up jokes
hold her hand
she's only 9 years and 11 months….today
brush her hair
let her cook the recipe herself and then tell her everything she did right
find things to laugh with her about
yesterday of their childhood is gone. How will you spend today?
(John Truman had to have Eden's hat)
Oh my gracious! I haven't been to your page in forever! How big they've all grown! And there's a little prince now! Such beautiful blessings!
So true. I love your thoughts here. And what a beautiful little flock of Little Joshuas and Marias you have. :) A perfect combination. So special.
I LOVE this!
Think I'll go and enjoy my children right now....TODAY.
Ah... you make me cry!! They do grow up toooo fast!
And how could the prince be 16 mo?!?!?
Love ya, Maria! Again pointing me toward enjoying my children (though they challenge me today!!)
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