Here it is.... Take the Time Challenge #6....
Break out the old pictures.
I have loved old pictures since I was a teenager.
There's something so romantic about seeing ...
your grandma in her wedding dress,
an aunt with no front teeth,
or how about great-grandma at your age.
So, I challenge you to take a minute and share some smiles and memories.
(Reverend Roy and Grace Starbuck on their wedding day.
My Maternal-Grandparents)
A Princess said, "Papa looks like Ricky Ricardo."
(This one cracked my girls up!
My youngest sister, Monica. She resembles my Eden so much!)
A princess said, "She has a fat tongue."
(Lee and Mona Chrisman
My Maternal Great-Grandparents
Affectionately called Lil' Grandma for her tiny size.
When I saw her, while in the States to have my baby,
she told me she prays for me.
Everyone should have a Grandma who prays for them...I'm so blessed.
Brynlee's name was picked to have "lee" in it
after her Great-Great Grandpa Lee)
A princess said, " Papa has a funny mustache."
(Some of Lee and Mona's children.
My Grandma Grace is the oldest daughter in the blue dress.)
The Princess's love seeing her their size!)
A princess said, " Look at those glasses."
(Dennis and Paula McNamar
my parents on their wedding day.
A Princess said, "Papa was soooo handsome."
I agree.)
(Yes, that's me.)
(Me, my three sisters, and our cousins (Amber and Rebecca)
posing with our Great-Grandma Mona Chrisman.
A Princess said, " Aunt Rachel is so onery."

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