hold hands.
I was talking to my mom tonight and she was saying my little brothers (ages 9 and 11) like to hold her hand when walking through Wal-Mart. Mom said, "Always take the time to hold their hands, especially if they offer it! There will come a time when they won't want to hold your hand." So, the next time you're walking across the parking lot or down a store aisle, or through the empty backyard (where none of their friends can see) reach for their hands. Sooner then we like our little sweeties will be grown and gone. No more hands to hold. Makes me want to cry. {pouty lip} So hold hands. Touch. Your kids, your husband, your mom, your grandpa. Let someone know you care.
Last week was the biggest party yet!
A big hug {from overseas} sent out to all you lovelies that linked up your wonderful inspirations!
This was the most viewed links from last weeks party.
Visit Little Country Corner to see her very chic girl's shirt!
I'm thinking I have a couple of princesses who would LOVE one of these!

Ok, are you ready for these words? Peanut Butter.....Truffle...Brownies!
Now put them all together and you have this amazing recipe from

Ok, here is one salad that won't fit on your diet but sounds oh, so worth it!
Snickers and Apples? Why didn't I think of that before?
Thank you, Lady with the Red Rocker.
1. Links must be very kid friendly (example: things that Grandma would approve of {smile}) Really, if it's something that you can do with a child or your family then it would be just peachy...share it with us. A craft, a post about a day spent with your kids...you get the picture?
2. Pretty please be a follower of Raising4Princesses and if you use the button to link back I'd be just tickled pink.
3. Here's the rule you're seeing everywhere.....{5th grade teacher voice} "visit other links and tell them how "genius they are!"
Hi there, Debs Dealz stopping in as your newest follower from the Tickled Pink Friday Hop! Please stop over and visit me back and return the follow! Also, we host daily blog hops, stop in and link up to some!
Thanks, Deb
Thank you again for hosting!
Thanks for the shout out!!!
thanks for hosting dear Maria. i linked up 2 (hope that's okay, otherwise you can delete one). there are some really cute links that i'm gonna go dig in :)
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