For our Take the Time to Challenge today
I brought in one of my girlies from way across the globe, in Kenya.
I've mentioned her on my blog before,
when she first started bloggin' at her little space called Joy Unspeakable.
We have the same "Home Church" in Baton Rouge, where our husbands both grew up.

"Hello, Everyone! My name is Jessi, and my family and I have been missionaries in Kenya for a little over a year. My husband, BJ, and I both know sign language, and God has given us a burden to see the Deaf here in Kenya saved and serving Christ. We have one son, Seth, who is four years old, and we are expecting our second child in January.

I love what I do as a wife and a homeschool mother—teaching, cooking, and keeping my house. However, because I am a perfectionist to the extreme and very attentive to every last detail, each task can take me forever if I am not careful! I have to pace myself and realize that I am not a supermom. I can’t always have every detail in my home perfect, AND still take the time to put my family first. It takes constant effort on my part to put aside things that aren’t so important to spend time doing the things that are really important and that really matter. It is an ongoing lesson for me every day. I have so enjoyed each of the past T-time challenges as they’ve helped me to keep my focus where it should be—spending time with the precious little boy that God has given me. So I am honored to share my simple idea on here today which is Take the Time To . . .
Play hide and seek!
Our house is very small, so there are only so many hiding places, but that doesn’t matter to a four-year-old! He loves it when we use the same hiding places over and over! One day I ran out of ideas, so I curled up under a blanket on my bed and laid very still. It took him forever to find me there because he wasn’t expecting it to be that easy! How I love to hear his giggle from wherever he is hiding when I am walking around “trying to find him”! I love to see the look of sheer delight on his face when he finds me or I find him. It makes it truly worth it to take those 20 minutes out of my day to play with my son, and to show him that he is truly important to me. "
Thanks, ever so much, Jessie!
Convicting post! I, too can be so busy doing all the housework and such that I neglect spending time doing fun things with my kiddos. I might try hiding under a blanket, tho. Maybe they wouldn't find me for a while. {Wink} :D
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