play the board games!
I seriously haven't met a kid yet who doesn't LOVE CandyLand or Hi-Ho Cheeri-o. My Princess Eden would play CandyLand for hours and hours....go eat a cookie....then play for hours and hours. It takes time and can be frustrating when they're small and don't know all the rules but it means a lot to them.
I remember my Papa and Grandma playing Sorry and Trouble with me as a little girl and I LOVED it. And I have memories of playing Bingo with my Great-Grandma, just me and her. Do your kids have memories like that? How long has it been? Go dust off the games!
A mommy tip:
My current rule is I only play board games one-on-one. I've found that it's quicker and a ton less stressful for me to play with one girl then the next girl has her turn with mommy. We have a ton of other "stuff" that we do as a group. This works well with me and my girls.
Lovely Features from Last Week

Now let's all play by the rules!
1. Links must be very kid friendly (example: things that Grandma would approve of {smile}) Really, if it's something that you can do with a child or your family then it would be just peachy...share it with us. A craft, a recipe, a post about a day spent with your get the picture?
2. Pretty please be a follower of Raising4Princesses and if you use the button to link back I'd be just tickled pink. You can also find us on Facebook
3. Here's the rule you're seeing everywhere.....{5th grade teacher voice} "visit other links and tell them how "marvelous they are!"
thanks so much for hosting! we love candyland too. Bear calls it "candylane"... makes me laugh. taking time to get down on the floor and play games with kiddos are so important!
I LOVE that wreath what a pretty idea thanks so much for hosting :)
Thank you for hosting! My four year old boy just stared showing interest in Chutes and Ladders and Candy Land :) It so cute to watch them play even if it is not by the rules!
I love the idea of playing one-on-one! I can't count the times we have played Hi-Ho Cheeri-o in this house :)
Thank you for the feature!
Great features... thanks for hosting!
Yay! So glad you liked my recipe for Cinnabon~Cinnamon Roll Cake! Thanks for the shout out! Thanks again for hosting us! :D
Stephanie @
Oh sweet! Thanks for featuring my wreath and thanks for hosting!
My Eden loves Candyland as well. She really justs wants to get the Princess Frostine card. WHo cares about actually making it the castle!?! Seriously, even if getting the pincress card sends her back, she's THRILLED. Maddie is all about playing chess. Such a representation of their personalities!
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