fuss over them once in a while.
I've found with the more kids I have the less I "flip out" if one falls and skins her knee or bumps her elbow. Life is busy and I try not to baby my girls too much. But sometimes you need to turn all your focus on them and be "mommy". Especially when they have boo-boos.
Kiss them, squeeze them, ohh and ahh over them. They're growing up too fast!
Now on to the party!
Wanta see some awesome Easter ideas that you guys brought to the party last week? Sure you do. Thanks so much for sharing these ideas!

You know the rules! Play by them ...... {please}.
Oh My GOSH!! You are the sweetest lady ever to feature my mantle!
Thanks so much.. I am honored since you have such great projects week after week!
love all the egg crafts I've got to get my tush in gear thanks so much for hosting :)
Thank you for the lovely feature of my basket!
How sweet of you, thanks so much for the feature!
Have a great week & thanks for hosting too!
Thank you so much for featuring my Easter Banner. I love coming back week after week. I get so many ideas!
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