{Between you and me} I treasure the sweet words and thoughts he sends that normally he wouldn't write down. I now have proof he's just as romantic as me! No, I'm not going to share his tender side right now. Those are for my eyes alone. {Deep sigh} Yep, I'm pretty stuck on him.
God has placed specific people in your life for a purpose. If you are blessed to be married you have an even greater responsibility to this person who is your other half. {Told you I was feeling mushy!} One part of being the wife God wants me to be is by praying for my husband. Sadly, this is one area that I feel I have failed miserably. I'm so blessed to have a Godly husband you loves me deeply and completely. I don't take it for granted. Being apart makes me more aware of the dangers and temptations a man is subjected to in this wicked old world.
1. Pray for his daily walk with the Lord and for him to keep up his personal prayer time.
2. Pray for God's blessing on his life.
3. Pray for God's hand of safety and protection over him.
4. Pray for his vision and dreams.
5. Pray for his purity.
6. Pray for his testimony and witness.
Ok, Ladies, what would you add to the list?
read more on Embracing Marriage.
Beautiful! Could I repost this on the BMW blog?
Praying for you while you're away from your man.
What a great reminder, Maria!
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